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Fragile is a book about the many ways of thinking that hold us in bondage. If not changed and molded, these thoughts can create feelings that overtake our lives. In fact, letting those feelings run unbridled can bring our brilliant destinies to a halt.

Fear Rejection Anxiety Guilt Intimidation Lies Excuses
F. R. A. G. I. L. E.

This book is about finding freedom — the freedom to pursue a destiny, discover true contentment, and walk in happiness. You will learn how to live above the control and restrictions of fragile thoughts. Each chapter defines and exposes the falsehoods of wrong beliefs and fragile feelings, establishing biblical truth that sets us free.

Fragile Front Cover


Does the devil exist? Does he have any strength? If so, where can we expect him to show up? Have you ever asked yourself, “Why do I have so many barriers and obstacles in my life?” The Beginning of The End of The Devil answers these questions.

This enlightening book gives readers an insightful look into the spirit which we call the devil. In it, the author defines the devil, gets to the bottom of his tactics, and reveals his future. Learn the truth about the devil and discover that his only influence is the power of suggestion.

The Beginning of the End of the Devil

The God Quest: Clearing Up the Confusion

Our view of God determines how we react towards Him. This book will help you see the truth as God intended, which in turn gives us life that is full of hope and faith.